New Year. New You?

Sustainable Resolutions for 2020:

Don’t Just Recycle – Reduce and Reuse

Goals for new year

Ecofriendly Ideas for a Great New Year

Take your recyclables to a district drop off located here.

Make an appointment at the Canton Recycle Center to safely dispose of your hazardous waste, scrap metal, tires, appliances, electronics and computer waste today by going here.

Instead of recycling junk mail, unsubscribe to it.

Try to avoid single-use products. Instead of plastic water bottles or plasticware, use a tumbler, a water purifier, and silverware. Instead of using paper towels in your kitchen for cleaning and drying, use a sponge and a rag.

Instead of shopping for new products, care for what you have. Take stock of what you have but no longer use. Is there anything that you can repurpose, maybe taking the place of something new? Like a glass bottle that can be used as a vase!

Cut back on impulse buying. To learn why we impulse buy visit Five Reasons We Impulse Buy at Psychology Today.

Buy only what you need. Make a list! Food waste can be a major problem for many homes in America due to buying much more food than the household will need.

Choose eco-conscious companies. You may not have control over the products that companies put out, the amount of packaging they use or the material, but you can control who you choose to support. Where you can, try to support companies that attempt to reduce packaging waste or use recycled or recyclable material. This may not always be possible, depending on your budget, but making the effort where you can is likely to make an impact on your carbon footprint.

Every year, more than 80 billion articles of clothing are produced and sold around the world. Air dry your clothes to help them last longer to save energy and money.

Watch environmental documentary or read a book to delve deeper into the world of waste (check out resources for some recommendations)

Never throw away clothes! It takes  It takes a lot of water to produce the cotton needed to make clothes. The amount of water needed to make a t-shirt is enough for one person to stay hydrated for 900 days. Check out this link to see what to do with clothes that can’t be donated!

Use natural and non-toxic cleaning products in your home, check out Good Housekeeping for some great tips.

Host a clothing swap so your friends, family, or community can shop each other’s closets. See 13 Rules for a Successful Clothing Swap on how.

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Batteries: What should I do with them?

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