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20 lb Propane Tanks
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Most retail stores that sell 20 lb. (gas grill size) propane tanks offer free exchange programs to get a new filled tank. Blue Rhino also offers a free recycling program for 20 lb. tanks that are no longer needed. Write “RECYCLE” on the tank and take it to any Blue Rhino location.
Propane tanks should never be put in your curbside or drop-off recycling container. Even when they seem to be empty, they can retain enough propane to cause an explosion and put recycling workers at risk.

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An aerosol can is a self-contained dispensing system where a substance is stored inside a small metal canister and pushed out as a fine mist, a spray, or a foam.
Aerosol cans should be recycled properly at the Canton Recycle Center by appointment. Aerosol cans should not be placed in a plastic bag when transported. Place all recyclables in a reusable tote or cardboard box so all items can be seen easily by staff.

Aluminum Foil
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These items should be thrown away in your trash and are not recyclable.

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An antifreeze is an additive which lowers the freezing point of a water-abased liquid. This is commonly used in cars and trucks. Antifreeze is also known as coolant. These items are acceptable at the Canton Recycle Center. Click the “Make An Appointment today” button below to set your own appointment.
Antifreeze is typically a fluorescent color when it is unopened. However, sometimes, antifreeze is mixed with other liquids such oil or gas. Please let the attendants know what it is mixed with to assure the safest sorting and disposal.

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Many types of household appliances can be donated or recycled, including large appliances like washers & dryers, refrigerators & stoves, and small appliances such as toasters, blenders, and vacuum cleaners. These items are acceptable at the Canton Recycle Center. Click the “Make An Appointment today” button below to set your own appointment.
If your appliance is in good working condition, please consider donating it. Appliances that contain refrigerants, such as refrigerators and dehumidifiers, may not be accepted at all locations or may be charged a fee to be recycled. Please call ahead to confirm prior to visiting any of the locations listed. If purchasing a new large appliance, check to see whether they will collect your old appliance for recycling when delivering a new item. Some locations may only accept small appliances, while others may only accept large appliances. Please read the accepting entity’s web site carefully and call ahead!

Cell Phones and Cell Phone Batteries
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Cell phones and Cell Phone Batteries should NEVER be put in your curbside or drop-off recycling container. They can cause fires at the local recycling facility and put recycling workers at risk.You can recycle these by making an appointment at the Canton Recycle Center.
Cell phones and cell phone batteries can be recycled at a variety of locations, including participating Verizon, Lowes, Home Depot, and Best Buy stores, among other locations. Do not remove the battery from the phone.
To safely prepare batteries for recycling either place each battery in its own clear plastic bag before placing it in a storage container or tape the battery terminals with clear packing tape or non-conductive electrical or duct tape, keeping the label visible so that the battery type can be identified.

Lead Acid and Small Sealed Lead Acid (Pb)
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Household lead acid batteries are typically found in cars or trucks but can also be found in emergency devices, emergency exit signs, security systems, mobility scooters and UPS back-ups. Small Sealed Lead Acid (SSLA/Pb) batteries are simple to manufacture and have one of the lowest discharge rates of any rechargeable batteries.
STW Recycling operates a permanent Household Hazardous Waste Center that accepts a wide variety of common household hazardous materials.

Rechargeable (Nickel Cadmium, Nickel Metal-hydride, Lithium Ion)
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Household batteries include rechargeable batteries in a variety of sizes (AA, AAA, 9v, etc.). The use of rechargeable batteries is recommended to reduce the number of batteries being disposed of each year.
• Rechargeable Batteries should never be put in your curbside or drop-off recycling container. They can cause fires at the local recycling facility and put recycling workers at risk.
• If you choose to recycle household batteries through a mail-in program, retail store, or a Call2Recycle location, please safely prepare them for recycling. Please keep each battery in its own clear plastic bag before placing it in a storage container or tape the battery terminals with clear packing tape or non-conductive electrical or duct tape, keeping the label visible so that the battery type can be identified.
Participating Lowes and Home Depot. Call ahead to verify they accept these materials.

Single Use (Alkaline, Carbon Zinc, Manganese)
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Modern-day alkaline, Carbon Zinc, and Manganese batteries no longer contain mercury and are classified as non-toxic by the Environmental Protection Agency. You can visit staples and drop them off. Check out the list of materials they accept here: Staples Recyclable Items
They can be disposed of in household trash.
• If you choose to recycle household batteries through a mail-in program, retail store, please safely prepare them for recycling. Please keep each battery in its own clear plastic bag before placing it in a storage container or tape the battery terminals with clear packing tape or non-conductive electrical or duct tape, keeping the label visible so that the battery type can be identified.

Single Use (Lithium Primary)
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• Lithium Primary Batteries should never be put in your curbside or drop-off recycling container. They can cause fires at the local recycling facility and put recycling workers at risk.
Participating Lowes and Home Depot. Call ahead to verify they accept these materials.

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Books are not recyclable. Please consider donating your gently used books to another organization like Goodwill, or taking them straight to Slesnick in Canton, Ohio. They may be also placed in the trash.

Broken Ceramics
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These items should be thrown away in your trash and are not recyclable.

Campaign Signs
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These items should be thrown away in your trash and are not recyclable.

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Many types of cardboard items are recyclable, including corrugated cardboard
Please flatten your cardboard boxes prior to putting them in your recycling container.
These materials are accepted in all residential curbside recycling programs and at all STW drop-off recycling locations.

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These items should be thrown away in your trash and are not recyclable. Some haulers have specific requirements to prepare them for pickup. For example, some companies require that you call and schedule a special pickup, for which there is a fee. Some companies also require you to wrap your carpet in plastic. Call your local hauler to find out there requirements.

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Cartons like milk and juice cartons are not recyclable in the Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Recycling District’s public recycling bins. Some curbside recycling programs allow for cartons in their recycling stream. Be sure to contact your hauler to verify they accept cartons in the contract.

Christmas Lights
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Christmas lights are easy to recycle!
STW Recycling operates a permanent Household Hazardous Waste Center that accepts a wide variety of common household hazardous materials. Simply make an appointment by using the link below.

Coffee Pods
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These items should be thrown away in your trash and are not recyclable.

Compact Flourescent Light Bulbs
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Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) (the small twisty type of light bulb) contain a small amount of mercury and should be recycled whenever possible. They can be recycled at the STW Recycling District’s permanent Household Hazardous Waste facility, the Canton Recycle Center year round.
CFLs should never be put in your curbside or drop-off recycling container. Broken CFLs can release mercury vapor and should be cleaned up using U.S. EPA recommendations. U.S. EPA recommends that you DO NOT VACUUM the area where the bulb broke. Please read their recommendations. Other light bulbs such as: LED, incandescent and halogen bulbs are safe to dispose of in the trash.
STW Recycling operates a permanent Household Hazardous Waste Center that accepts a wide variety of common household hazardous materials.

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This material should be taken to a Construction and Demolition Debris Landfill. There are two options in the District. Call ahead for fees.
Stark C&D Disposal
Address: 7280 Lisbon St NE, East Canton, OH 44730
Phone: (330) 488-6161
Minerva Enterprises
Address: 8955 Minerva Rd, Waynesburg, OH 44688
Phone: (330) 866-3435
Zollinger Sand and Gravel CD&D Landfill
Address: 11687 Wadsworth Rd, Rittman, OH 44270
Phone: (330) 855-2464

Construction Debris
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This material should be taken to a Construction and Demolition Debris Landfill. There are three options in the District. Call ahead for fees.
Stark C&D Disposal
Address: 7280 Lisbon St NE, East Canton, OH
Phone: (330) 488-6161
Minerva Enterprises
Address: 8955 Minerva Rd, Waynesburg, OH 44688
Phone: (330) 866-3435
Zollinger Sand and Gravel CD&D Landfill
Address: 11687 Wadsworth Rd, Rittman, OH 44270
Phone: (330) 855-2464

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These items should be thrown away in your trash and are not recyclable.

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Many types of electronic devices can be donated or recycled, including televisions, computers, laptops, tablets, printers, calculators, cables, power supplies, and similar items.
Flat screen TV’s, CRT or “tube” style televisions and monitors may not be accepted or may require a fee to be recycled depending on where you take your material. However, you may take these items for free to the Canton Recycle Center.
If your electronic device is in good working condition, please consider donating it.

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Fertilizers are any natural or artificial substance containing chemical elements that improve the growth and productiveness of plants.
Despite these concerns, fertilizers are no longer considered to be hazardous waste. If it’s acceptable to grow your food, it can’t be hazardous.
• For your safety, bring your items with vapors in closed containers.
• Bring your materials in plastic totes if there is the possibility of leaking. Your tote will be returned to you if you wish. Do not bring in plastic bags or cardboard boxes if possible.
• Please make sure that all caps are secured tightly
We recommend finding a nursery that will take your fertilizer.

Fire Extinguishers
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Fire Extinguishers are considered cylinders and must be recycled properly. Residents of Stark, Tuscarawas, and Wayne County may recycle their Fire Extinguishers at Pitt’s Fire Extinguisher in Massillon, Ohio. There is a fee. Please call them ahead of time to verify at (330) 833-5508.

Flower pots and accessories
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Check with your local nursery to see if they can reuse your old flower pots and accessories. Otherwise, items should be placed in your trash.

Food Waste and Scraps
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We have two facilities that are labeled a class 2 facility that can accept your food waste and scraps. Kurtz Brothers (Stark County), who owns Earth N Wood, and Paradis Compost (Wayne County) can accept this waste stream.

Gasoline, Kerosene, and Diesel
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Flammable liquids should be transported with care. Be aware of your exposure to vapors as you drive and transport these materials in approved containers only.
STW Recycling operates a permanent Household Hazardous Waste Center that accepts a wide variety of common household hazardous materials.

Glass Bottles and Jars
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All colors of glass bottles and jars are accepted.
Labels do not need to be removed. Please rinse containers, and ensure they are clean, dry, and empty. Put lids back on if possible and they will be recycled too! No corks!
These materials are accepted in all residential curbside recycling programs and at all STW drop-off recycling locations.

Grass Clippings
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If you live in the Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Recycling District, you can you use one of our yard waste drop offs. Click on the link below to find one near you! Check with the site to obtain days and hours of operation.

Helium Tanks
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Do not place helium or oxygen tanks in your curbside recycling. And, putting them in the trash is hazardous.
Empty helium balloon tanks that were purchased from a retail store should be punctured and recycled at a local scrap metal yard. You may receive a rebate. Follow the disposal instructions that came with the tank or visit for more information.
Helium tanks are not accepted in the household hazardous waste disposal program.

Household Cleaners
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Households generate a wide range of poisonous, dangerous, flammable, & corrosive products, including lawn chemicals, solvents, household cleaners, & pool chemicals.
These materials should not be placed in with your household garbage but should be taken to a Household Hazardous Waste facility or collection event whenever possible. Please consider buying less hazardous alternatives when possible!
STW Recycling operates a permanent Household Hazardous Waste Center that accepts a wide variety of common household hazardous materials.

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If you live in the Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Recycling District, you can you use one of our yard waste drop offs. Click on the link below to find one near you! Check with the site to obtain days and hours of operation.

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Mattresses must be disposed of in a landfill Contact your trash hauler for their requirements. If you do not have a hauler, contact Kimble at (330) 454-9400

Medical Cylinders (Oxygen)
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Simply return your oxygen tank back to the company that provided it. A label should be on the tank with the contact information. If no such label exists, Medical cylinders should be disposed or recycled through the company it was purchased or received from. Check with your medical supplier for details about their takeback or exchange program. They will accept oxygen tanks that were purchased from them.
If you are unable to determine where the oxygen tank came from, recycle the tank at a scrap metal yard near you. Determine if the tank is aluminum or stainless steel (magnets stick to stainless steel, not aluminum). Find a scrap metal yard by searching with your zip code at Call ahead to confirm that they accept stainless steel or aluminum tanks. You can also try AAA Gas Supply (216-228-4800), ABC Fire (440-237-6677) and Air Gas Great Lakes (216-241-1696) for cylinder recycling options.

Mercury and Mercury Containing Devices
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Mercury is a dangerous chemical element that is often seen in items like thermometers, mercury switches, mercury relays, fluorescent lamps and other devices. However, mercury is also something you may have in a glass jar or another container by itself. It’s very heavy and is a silver in color.
These materials should not be placed in with your household garbage but should be taken to a Household Hazardous Waste facility or collection event whenever possible.
STW Recycling operates a permanent Household Hazardous Waste Center that accepts a wide variety of common household hazardous materials.

Metal Cans
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Steel and aluminum cans are accepted for recycling.
Labels do not need to be removed. Please rinse containers when necessary. See Scrap Metal for options on recycling other metal objects.
These materials are accepted in all residential curbside recycling programs and at all STW drop-off recycling locations.

Mirror and Glass Windows
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These items should be thrown away in your trash and are not recyclable.

Motor Oil
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Motor oil can recycled easily at the Canton Recycle Center by appointment only. Motor oil does not have to be clean. If it is mixed with another substance like, gasoline, let the Center employees know when you drop it off.
Motor oil should never be used to kill weeds, as a dust suppressant on dirt or gravel roads, burned, or poured down the drain or sewer.

Needles and Sharps
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Hypodermic needles and other medical “sharps” pose a significant health threat to recycling and sanitation workers and should NEVER be put in your curbside or drop-off recycling container.
The safest option is to use an FDA-cleared sharps container to protect your family members, health workers, and sanitation workers prior to disposing of sharps. These containers are widely available at pharmacies and other retail stores. If one is not available, simply use an empty laundry detergent jug. Place the needle inside the empty laundry detergent jug. Place the cap back on securely. Tape the lid on and write “Sharps” on the container. Dispose of the jug in your trash. Do not place it in your recycling. Check with your local health department for any questions.

Paint - Latex
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Latex paint should be dried out using kitty litter, newspaper or sand. Once dried, it can be thrown away. We will not accept this at the Canton Recycle Center.

Paint - Oil Based
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Oil-based paint and similar products like paint thinner and solvents are flammable and hazardous.
These materials should not be placed in with your household garbage but should be taken to a Household Hazardous Waste facility or collection event whenever possible. Please consider buying less hazardous alternatives like Latex Paint whenever possible.
STW Recycling operates a permanent Household Hazardous Waste Center that accepts a wide variety of common household hazardous materials. Simply make an appointment by using the link below.

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Contact Tri-County Pallet at (330) 848-0313

Paper and Plastic Cups
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These items should be thrown away in your trash and are not recyclable.

Paper Towels
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These items should be thrown away in your trash and are not recyclable.

Paper, Magazines, and Mail
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Paper such as office paper, junk mail, newspaper, magazines, and paper grocery bags are accepted.
If the paper is coated with a plastic coating or foil, it is not accepted. Generally, if you can tear a paper item with your hands, it’s recyclable.
These materials are accepted in all residential curbside recycling programs and at all STW drop-off recycling locations.

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Households generate a wide range of poisonous, dangerous, flammable, & corrosive products, including lawn chemicals, solvents, household cleaners, & pool chemicals.
These materials should not be placed in with your household garbage but should be taken to a Household Hazardous Waste facility or collection event whenever possible. Please consider buying less hazardous alternatives when possible!
STW Recycling operates a permanent Household Hazardous Waste Center that accepts a wide variety of common household hazardous materials.

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To safely dispose of leftover pharmaceuticals from the home, the best option is to take them to a pharmaceutical drop-off location or a temporary collection event. There are many pharmaceutical drop-off locations available in Stark, Tuscarawas, and Wayne Counties that can be located using the links and search button below.
Unused medicine that is left in the home creates a high risk of accidental overdose and illegal abuse if not properly disposed. Flushing medication down the toilet can contribute to water contamination and therefore is not recommended.
Only pills can be disposed of at collection sites. Sharps are not accepted. Please see Needles and Sharps for more information.

Plastic Bags
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Many local grocers have plastic bag recycling in their stores. Check your local grocer for more details. If not, place the plastic bag in your trash or reuse it for something down the road. To find stores near you that recycle plastic film, check the link below.

Plastic Bottles and Jugs
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All plastic bottles and jugs: All plastic bottles and jugs with a neck and shoulders can be recycled in any Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Recycling District recycling bin.
Please rinse out with water when necessary and put the cap or lid back on.
These materials are accepted in all residential curbside recycling programs and at all STW drop-off recycling locations.

Plastic Buckets and Durable Plastics
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Do not place durable plastic items such as plastic toys, buckets, hangers, milk crates, storage containers, kids furniture, and playsets in your recycling. If in good working condition, please donate it for reuse at one of many charitable organizations. If the item cannot be donated for reuse, place it in the regular trash for disposal.

Plastic Toys
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Do not place durable plastic items such as plastic toys, buckets, hangers, milk crates, storage containers, kids furniture, and playsets in curbside recycling. If in good working condition, please donate it for reuse at one of many charitable organizations in our area. If the item cannot be donated for reuse, place it in the regular trash for disposal.
Consider participating in a take-back program for toys such as Lego Replay or Mattel PlayBack where these toys will be donated to charities or recycled into new toys.

Polystyrene (Styrofoam)
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These items should be thrown away in your trash and are not recyclable.

Pool Chemicals
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Households generate a wide range of poisonous, dangerous, flammable, & corrosive products, including lawn chemicals, solvents, household cleaners, & pool chemicals.
These materials should not be placed in with your household garbage but should be taken to a Household Hazardous Waste facility or collection event whenever possible. Please consider buying less hazardous alternatives when possible!
STW Recycling operates a permanent Household Hazardous Waste Center that accepts a wide variety of common household hazardous materials.

Power Tool Batteries
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Power tools use a variety of battery types, including Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cad), Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) and Lithium-ion (Li-ion). Participating Lowes and Home Depot stores will accept batteries from power tools, as well as some other battery types.
Batteries should never be put in your curbside or drop-off recycling container. They can cause fires at the local recycling facility and put recycling workers at risk.
Safety first! In order to safely prepare batteries for recycling either place each battery in its own clear plastic bag before placing it in a storage container or tape the battery terminals with clear packing tape or non-conductive electrical or duct tape, keeping the label visible so that the battery type can be identified.

Scrap Metal
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You can recycle your scrap metal at the Canton Recycle Center! Simply make an appointment by clicking on the link below.
To comply with state laws designed to deter scrap metal theft, you will be required to show a picture ID and it will be scanned for the transaction record.

Shredded Paper
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This item does not belong in your recycling. It’s considered a contaminant and should be composted or thrown away in your trash. Check your local humane society to see if they accept shredded paper for animal bedding.

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If you live in the Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Recycling District, you can you use one of our yard waste drop offs. Click on the link below to find one near you! Check with the site to obtain days and hours of operation.

Smoke Detectors
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Follow the instructions from the manufacturer. Most manufacturers will recycle them if you send them back. If not, you may dispose of them in your trash.

Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Recycling Drop offs
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STW Recycling District operates a drop-off program to serve Stark, Tuscarawas, and Wayne County residents who need additional recycling capacity.
Recycle the following items in our bins:
• Paper & Cardboard (break-down and flatten cardboard boxes)
• Plastic Bottles, Jugs (lids and labels accepted)
• Glass Bottles and Jars (all colors accepted)
• Metal Cans (clean, dry, and empty)
Keep recyclables loose; Do not place them in plastic bags.
If you see illegal dumping and misuse of the containers, report it. Call your County Sheriff to report illegal dumping. Use our Recycling & Reuse Search Tool to find out where to recycle materials not accepted in the drop-off program.

Take-out Food Containers
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These items should be thrown away in your trash and are not recyclable.

Textiles and Clothing
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Clothing, coats, shoes, purses, belts, linens, and other similar items may be donated to a large number of charitable organizations and buy-back shops like Goodwill or the Salvation Army.
Clothes and linens do not have to be in perfect condition to be accepted by some charitable organizations. Goodwill for example, will accept items with holes or significant wear, and recycle into rags. The items should be clean.

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You can recycle your tires at the Canton Recycle Center! Simply make an appointment by clicking on the link below.
Residentially Generated Tires: Passenger, Light Truck, Lawn Mower, ATV, Bicycle, Motorcycle, 3 wheeler, 4 wheeler Tires, etc. Only (No Commercial, Business, Non-Profit, or Churches)
• On / Off Rim, residents are allowed 10 tires per person per year
• You may only transport 10 or less at a time. That is the law. Transporting more than 10 tires at a time requires a permit from your county health department.
• You must have your ID with you.
• No business / commercial / nonprofit / government / farm tires

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You can bring your TVs at the Canton Recycle Center! Simply make an appointment by clicking on the link below.
We take all televisions and there is no cost to you for disposal.

Twigs and Brush
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If you live in the Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Recycling District, you can you use one of our yard waste drop offs. Click on the link below to find one near you! Check with the site to obtain days and hours of operation.

Useable Furniture
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Useable furniture can be donated to many charitable organizations in our District. The Salvation Army, Goodwill, Habitat Restore are just some of the great organizations that take many of these items. Call ahead before loading up and dropping off these materials to better understand their requirements.
Furniture in any condition should not be dropped at any of our recycling drop offs. This is considered illegal dumping. Your waste hauler should be called to verify their bulk items pick up policy in the event you wish to throw the items away. Fees may apply.

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If you live in the Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Recycling District, you can you use one of our yard waste drop offs. Click on the link below to find one near you! Check with the site to obtain days and hours of operation.